Thursday, October 24, 2024

Eight Values of Free Expression

The Eight Values of Free Expression

Now when talking about America we have a lot of documents that try to protect our rights As the people and to protect us from the government being too powerful but also the state being too powerful and being able to balance each aspect of our checks and balances. There are documents like the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and all types of rules and regulations that each part of this checks and balances that we have to follow and abide by. 

So when talking about things that are protected by law one thing that is highly talked about and always is debated about is the 1st Amendment. The 1st Amendment protects a lot of things that the people can say and also doesn't protect some things that the people cannot say. One of the things that can protect is the speech theories and one of the speech theories is the eight values of free expression.

One of my favorite of the eight values of free speech is to check on the governmental power. Checking the power of the government could be a government as a whole or a branch of the government that is not so powerful and controlling. The government tries to find different ways to be able to control what people do or say. With us trying to check the government's power at all times, we can ensure that we as people can always have a fair society in our power and what we think our system should work. Even checking the power even at the state level with federalism and keeping the balance with both levels of the government to make sure we as people can have a say and neither one of those levels can prevent us from expressing ourselves or giving information to others.

Another one of my favorite eight values of free speech is the promotion of innovation. Promoting innovation and stopping the government from people throwing out their ideas and trying to create something helpful for the world can really hurt us as a society. Everyone has ideas and not every idea is a great idea but we cannot find the good ideas until everyone goes through all their ideas and we can make an invention that is actually helpful. 

The last one I want to talk about of the eight values of free speech is individual self-fulfillment. Being able to say what you believe in and what you believe is true is very important for society and people to be true to themselves and express who they are. The First Amendment protects people from the government having them make compelled speech or compelled affirmation and forcing them to be someone else or be someone that they're not. They also cannot have prior restraint on what people say or what they believe in before it has been said or written.

I do believe all eight values of free speech are important and are a great part of the First Amendment but these are the three that I would like to focus on because I believe these are the three most important ones that hit each aspect of the First Amendment. If we make sure that we as a society keep our power and is able to have the freedom that we should as a democracy then we have fully demonstrated what the First Amendment has given us.

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