Is Technology good for you?
Technology is constantly growing especially in recent years. Almost 20 years ago the first smartphone was released in 2007 by Steve Jobs. Now in 2024, everyone has a smartphone. They are small enough to carry around us all day, and we use them constantly since they are so powerful. We can gain so much from our phones which can be positive or negative.
Backlinko has stats on YouTube and its users. It states that YouTube currently has 2.49 billion users on its platform, which is about half of the global online population. YouTube is a platform that offers a wide range of content, from entertainment to education. 63% of YouTube's users like to mostly watch the platform on their phones.
The Techsmith shows a statistic that 83% of users like to watch YouTube videos for educational purposes. These videos can be tutorials or just informational videos about any topic. Because having informational videos on literally any topic, no matter what you're doing or what you wanna look for, it's not that crazy for people to want to see those kinds of videos and learn more in an entertaining way or just physically be able to see someone do or teach them something.
Video Maker claims that 81% of parents turn YouTube on for their kids to watch. Is a good way to keep their kids entertained and keep them engaged in something without walking around and playing with things they probably shouldn't be playing with.
Even though I've been writing about YouTube most of the time, it can't be a better platform to be on than a platform like TikTok. YouTube has longer videos that won't shorten your attention span and keep you on your phone. You're not just watching short videos and constantly scrolling for the next type of video, but actually learn something from a longer video.
Having a short attention span can lead to someone being on their phones for an even longer period of time and just constantly wanting to be on the phone. National Liberty of Medicine writes that having a shorter attention span or having a scattered brain will cause someone to be on their phones for a longer period of time and to spend more time on their phone than talking or interacting with people around them.
Other platforms like TikTok and Instagram reel can really hurt people's attention spans and that's why you see a lot of people who are on their phones and not really interacting with other people around them. These platforms don't even have to be used in these ways and negatively impact people because they get curated by the users themselves on what they are watching. These platforms are why we get this fact of people all always just wanting to do or record things just for fame.
Someone that I know of on these types of platforms is named Jack Doherty. He just uses the platform to mess with people and try to get a reaction out of them by getting them mad and then having his security guy block them from actually doing anything. People like him are the reasons why people have short attention spans and it's always seen as technology is not good for people to watch.
Me and my friends use these platforms, but we try to use them so we can learn or have a new skill that can help us with either what we're doing or something that we want to do in the future instead of watching things that aren't helpful or do us negatively in public situations,