Thursday, November 14, 2024

How to stop surveillance from your phone?

 You are always being watched

Technology and security have upgraded in the past years for the better and the worse. Phone taps are not just things that happen to criminals but also happen to all of us. Nowadays it's easier to phone tap somebody or figure out what they're saying on a call or see their messages. Now, if you use things like an iPhone like their messaging system or FaceTime, those are not as easy to tap, but we use many communication sources that can be tapped and listened to. 

Now this can affect me by just having to be careful what I say or type on a message or a phone call. Now for now it isn't really a big problem because I don't really have to communicate through my phone to someone else with private information. But when I go into the work area I will have to communicate through my phone and probably talk about sensitive information for a company or even my personal information. Now this affects my friends and family beca
use they have companies and they work with other people and their information can be stolen or even just taken advantage of wi
th that information that the criminal could take from them.

Now I think the government should have a better and more secure way of making sure this doesn't happen. Because I know that we as People want to have secure ways of communicating but I do know this will affect the police when it comes to wiretapping into criminal phones but we as people have to be secure. So if they just build a system that makes it harder for people to listen in on what we're doing and what we're saying we won't have to deal with things like fraud or blackmail.

Now ways to protect ourselves is to use the products we have that are not easy to phone tab. One of those things is FaceTime because Facetime is not easy to tap telephone which Apple has confirmed that it is secure and safe for people not to listen to and even they can't listen to the conversation. The same thing goes for their messaging app or you could use WhatsApp if you don't have an iPhone you can use those products so people aren't listening and or keeping what you're saying.

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